Two Kerch Style Pelikai in the Collection of The State Hermitage Museum




pelike, Kerch style, red-figure pottery, The State Hermitage Museum, griffin, Amazon, horse, the Amazon Painter, Group of Mytilene 590


The article deals with two Athenian red-figure pelikai inv. Pan.1902 (A: heads of a griffin, an Amazon and a horse; B: two draped youths) and Pan.1903 (A: heads of two griffins and an Amazon; B: two draped youths). Pelikai were purchased by The State Hermitage Museum in 2009. The article presents a description of the vessels, and their attribution and date are discussed. According to the analogues, pelikai may be attributed to the hand of two different vase-painters, who worked, however, in the same workshop of the Amazon Painter. The pieces lack archaeological context, but via analogues they can be dated back to a period within 330–320 BC.

Author Biography

  • Dmitrii S. Vas’ko, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Vas’ko, Dmitrii Sergeevich — laboratory assistant. The State Hermitage Museum, Dvortsovaia nab., 34, 190000 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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Classical Antiquity and the World around Hellas

How to Cite

Vas’ko, D. S. (2015). Two Kerch Style Pelikai in the Collection of The State Hermitage Museum. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 5, 107–118.