Vol. 5 (2015): Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

					View Vol. 5 (2015): Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Editorial board: Abdulla Daudov (St. Petersburg State University), Sergey Karpov (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Georgii Vilinbakhov (The State Hermitage Museum), John Bowlt (University of Southern California, USA), Valentin Bulkin (St. Petersburg State University), Martin Büchsel (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Ilya Doronchenkov (European University at St. Petersburg), Antonio Iacobini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Anastasiia Iarmosh (St. Petersburg State University), Tatiana Ilyina (St. Petersburg State University), Nadia Jijina (The State Hermitage Museum), Svetlana Maltseva (St. Petersburg State University, editor in charge of the present volume), Anna Trofimova (The State Hermitage Museum), Robert Nelson (Yale University, USA), Maksim Kostyria (St. Petersburg State University), Olga Makho (The State Hermitage Museum), Anatolii Rykov (St. Petersburg State University), Ilya Antipov (St. Petersburg State University), Ekaterina Skvortcova (St. Petersburg State University), Ekaterina Staniukovich-Denisova (St. Petersburg State University, editor in charge of the present volume), Ivan Stevović (Belgrade University, Serbia), Anna Zakharova (Lomonosov Moscow State University, editor in charge of the present volume).

Reviewers: Andrey Alekseev (The State Hermitage Museum, Russia), Antonio Corso (Center of Vitruvian Studies, Italy; Nordic Library, Athens, Greece), Aleksandar Kadijević (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Evgeny Khodakovsky (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Ivan Tuchkov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia).

The collection of articles presents the materials of the 5th International Annual Conference, held in St. Petersburg on October 28 — November 1, 2014. It deals with the actual problems of art history and theory on the basic theme “Images of Classical Antiquity. The Art of the Ancient World and Its Heritage in the World Culture”. The articles in Russian and in English present the results of research in the art of the Ancient World, Byzantium, Western Europe and Russia from the Middle Ages to the 21st c. and theory of art.

Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 5. / Eds. S.V. Maltseva, E.Iu. Staniukovich-Denisova, A.V. Zakharova. — St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2015. — 892 p.

On the cover: Alexander Bikhter, “Nessus and Deianeira”, 2007.

Published: 2015-10-10

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