On a Kerch Style Pelike from the State Hermitage Museum



Pelike, Kerch style, pottery, attribution, the State Hermitage museum, LC Group, Eros


The article deals with the Kerch style pelike inv. Pan.191 from the collection of the State Hermitage museum. L. Stephani, B.V. Pharmakovskii, K. Schefold and D. Kogiumtzi mentioned briefly this pelike in their works, but neither attributed, nor dated it. Thus the main purposes of this article were given. The side A of this pelike shows winged naked Eros with alabastron and a woman near an altar, the side B is occupied by a draped figure. The stylistic features of painting are close to the pelike inv. KP-1059 А-630 from the Central museum of Tavrida. This vase is attributed to the painter of Olynthus 5.156 with some doubts by I.I. Vdovichenko. Both pelikai resemble the vases of LC Group, especially the small ones — dinoi and lebes. J.D. Beazley attributed only two pelikai to this group which mainly consists of calyx-kraters. Nevertheless, we attribute both pelikai to LC Group and date them roughly between 360 and 350 BC.

Author Biography

  • Dmitrii S. Vas’ko, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Vas’ko, Dmitrii S. — laboratory assistant, the State Hermitage Museum. 34 Dvortsovaya embankment, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 190000.


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How to Cite

Vas’ko, D. S. (2014). On a Kerch Style Pelike from the State Hermitage Museum. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 29–38. https://publ.actual-art.org/aptha/article/view/10002