Greek Colonies of Dalmatia: Christianization by means of Architecture
ancient architecture, medieval architecture, Greek colonies, Dalmatia, adaptation, medieval churchesAbstract
This article is the continuation of the author’s previous works, devoted to the various forms of architecture in Dalmatia region. The goal of the study is to reveal the genesis and further development of local architectural schools. This subject plays a special role in our time due to an ongoing political and cultural isolation of Balkan countries.
Eastern coast of the Adriatic sea in the 4th century BC was on the periphery of Hellenic expansion. Greek colonies looked more like isolated enclaves of Hellenism surrounded by the barbaric world. This article contains detailed architectural analysis of medieval churches, erected on top of ancient foundations, located in the oldest ancient cities of Greek origin, such as Issa (island of Vis), Pharos (island of Hvar), Lumbarda (island of Korcula), Trogir (Tragurion), Salona (Split) and Epetion (Stobreč). The author explores two major construction periods (5th–6th and 9th–11th centuries) and reveals three types of structural planning of medieval churches in that region. The author comes to a conclusion that up to 11th century medieval architecture of Dalmatia region, due to its geographical, political and cultural isolation, carried neither Romanesque nor byzantine distinguishing features.
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