The Reconstruction of Working Methods for Constructing Architectural Forms Two Temples of the First Half of the 16th Century
proportions, Old Russian architecture, architectural forms, logic of harmonyAbstract
The article is dedicated to the review of the erecting process for tower type cult structures in early 16thcentury Russia. Since there are common laws for military, civil and religious architecture, the author is trying to solve the problem by using the erecting method for tower type of civil constructions described by Alberti in the analysis of religious buildings of the same type. The article also contains a detailed study of volumetric composition of the Church of St. John Climacus and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye village. The author comes to the conclusion that Italian architects of these churches used the method described by Alberti, and that, as evidence shows, they could use some decorative elements from the image of the original façade of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in their work.
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