The Architectural Drawings of St. Petersburg Churches of 1740’s from the Tessin-Hårlemann Collection



Architectural drawings, church architecture, St. Petersburg of the 18th century, B. Hallström, Tessin-Hårlemann collection, Bergholtz collection, Anna’s time


14 sheets of architectural drawings of St. Petersburg churches dating back to the 1740’s bound in a single album are now part of the Tessin-Hårlemann collection at the National Museum of Sweden. They relate to eleven largest St. Petersburg churches of diff erent confessions. For completeness, we should also consider a drawing of the same origin from another Swedish collection, the Kriegsarkiv, showing the original church of Cavalry Regiment. According to the hypothesis of B. Hallström, the collection of drawings has been taken away from Russia by Holstein courtier F. Bergholtz in 1746. Most close in time to the drawings, as well as consistent and reasoned characteristics of these temples were given by A. Bogdanov, the librarian of Academy of Sciences, in his manuscript book “Description of St. Petersburg” in 1749–1751. A comparison of visual and textual material of these primary sources, supplemented by archival data, still underlies the concepts of Petersburg architecture 1730–1740’s and opens up prospects for its interpretation.
The purpose of this paper is to consider this group as a set of drawings, giving a complete picture of the ecclesiastic architecture of St. Petersburg in the time of the Empress Anna Ivanovna and early years of the Empress Elizabeth. Despite the fact that these images were introduced into scientific circulation as early as the 1960’s, they still cause a lot of questions. Nevertheless, being considered as referring to a single body of the most important stone churches in the city, they provide the most complete visual representation of the church architecture of St. Petersburg in 1730–1740’s.

Author Biography

  • Ekaterina Yu. Stanyukovich-Denisova, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Stanyukovich-Denisova Ekaterina Yu. - assistant professor, St. Petersburg State University. 7–9 Universitetskaya embankment, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034.


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Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries

How to Cite

Stanyukovich-Denisova, E. Y. (2014). The Architectural Drawings of St. Petersburg Churches of 1740’s from the Tessin-Hårlemann Collection. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 401–423.