Vol. 1 (2011): Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

					View Vol. 1 (2011): Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Editorial board: Victor Vlasov, Ivan Tuchkov, Alexandra Salienko, Svetlana Maltseva, Ekaterina Stanyukovich-Denisova, Ivan Stevović.

Reviewers: Tatyana Ilyina (St. Petersburg State University); Anna Zakharova (Lomonosov Moscow State University).

The collection of articles consists of the materials of the International Conference of Young Specialists, held at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University in December, 1–5, 2010. It deals with the actual problems of art theory and history from Antiquity to the 20th c. The articles by Russian and foreign researchers (in English and in Russian) mainly examine the problems of Eastern Christian and Western art, as well as of archeology, restoration, theory and methodology of art.

Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 1 / SpbSU; Svetlana Maltseva, Ekaterina Stanyukovich-Denisova eds. — St. Petersburg: Profession. 2011. — 432 p.

On the cover: Oleg Liagatchev-Helgi. Soleil, 2010. Private collection. Paris. France.

Published: 2011-10-10

Medieval Art of the Eastern Christian World

Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries

The East and the West, from Antiquity to the 20th Century