On the Design and the Position of the Staircase to the Gallery of the Desyatinnaya Church in Kiev
Old Rus' architecture, Desyatinnaya church, staircase tower, the gallery, archaeology of the architecture, Byzantine architectureAbstract
The article presents the critical review of the hypothetical remodellings of the 10th c. Desyatinnaya church in Kiev suggested in the recent literature. The questions of the area and dating of the gallery, the design and placing of the staircase are considered. The archaeological data is used for the verification of the versions. The space above the lateral compartments of the exonarthex is the minimal confirmed area of the gallery. After the thorough investigation of the ambulatory foundations in the course of the recent archaeological research (2005–2011), their fractional quality and different depth as well as the absence of any remains of the original separate pillars leave no chance to imagine the staircase tower in their area. On the other hand, the archaeological records of the early 19th c. give the strong idea that the exonarthex was fully engaged for the princely burials and burial chapels. The staircase was probably arranged inside the walls cluster by the southwest corner of the narthex.
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