Giacomo Quarenghi and Matvey Kazakov: Unknown Projects of the Slobodskoy Palace in Moscow
18th century, Matvey Kazakov, Giacomo Quarenghi, Slobodskoy Palace, Alexander Bezborodko, baroque, classicism, reconstruction, prototype, architectural graphics, drawing, project, publication, attribution, comparisonAbstract
The article deals with the history and architecture of the Slobodskoy Palace in Moscow. It was originally built in the mid-18th century as the estate of A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, and was designed in Baroque forms. Subsequently, it was rebuilt two times by M. F. Kazakov in the style of classicism. The first restructuring of the palace made under order of A. A. Bezborodko was carried out in 1788–1793 according to architect G. Quarenghi’s plan. For the second time, Kazakov reconstructed the palace for the coronation of Paul I. The author of the article has found previously unknown projects by Quarenghi and Kazakov for the reconstruction of this building. The recently unearthed drawings provide new insights into the intricate construction history of the palace, significantly altering the established chronology of its remodeling. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of all the architectural graphics of the palace currently available, shedding light on the rebuilding process. Additionally, the article addresses the issue of the prototypes of the Slobodskoy Palace project and its impact on Moscow’s architectural landscape.
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