Art Nouveau and Historical Styles in the Interior of St. Petersburg Mansions in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century


  • Anastasiia I. Dolgova National A. S. Pushkin Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Author



city residences and dachas, St. Petersburg Art Nouveau, style moderne, historicism, eclecticism, revivalism, neoclassicism, interior, furniture


Hitherto studies in Russian Art Nouveau have not covered all aspects. Therefore search into the St. Petersburg Art Nouveau as to the development of the interior design, and certain monuments and trends in interior decorating is relevant. The paper focuses on the interiors of the St. Petersburg mansions built late in the 19th – early 20th century, as well as on combination of historical styles and their interaction with Art Nouveau that was typical at that time. Especially popular were different neoclassical variations, ascending to the tradition of Classical antiquity: Russian Empire and French classicism (the Louis XVI style). Also other neo-styles were applied — neo-baroque and neo-rococo more often than others. It is possible to identify several ways of their inclusion into St. Petersburg Art Nouveau interiors. The three principal ones are the following: addition of particular decorative elements or “stylish” items, mainly furniture, in Art Nouveau interiors (in particular — not new Art Nouveau pieces but antique furniture and furnishings with easily recognizable attributes of various historical styles); decoration of certain rooms (usually front rooms) according to one of the historical styles; artistic revision of the borrowed elements, which allowed fitting them in an Art Nouveau interior. The article presents examples of each of these methods. Famous St. Petersburg Art Nouveau buildings (M. F. Kshesinskaia, S. N. Chaev, M. V. Ziv, V. E. Brant, V. S. Kochubei, P. P Forostovskii mansions and F. G. Bazhanov and A. P. Chuvaldina Trade-Industrial Partnership House), different archive materials and photographs are given as examples.

Author Biography

  • Anastasiia I. Dolgova, National A. S. Pushkin Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Dolgova Anastasiia Igorevna –Curator of the Section. National A. S. Pushkin Museum, the Moika River nab., 12, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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Russian Art of the 18th–19th Centuries

How to Cite

Dolgova, A. I. (2015). Art Nouveau and Historical Styles in the Interior of St. Petersburg Mansions in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 5, 636–645.