Decorative motives of Vienna Secession in the architecture of St. Petersburg


  • Nina L. Danilova St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Author


Art Nouveau architecture in St. Petersburg, Vienna Secession style, Wagnerschule, Otto Wagner, decorative motifs of Art Nouveau


Th e article deals with the question of influence of Otto Wagner and masters of “Wagnerschule” on the forming of Art Nouveau style in St. Petersburg architecture. Particular attention is given to clarification of historical and cultural causes of Vienna Secession style's popularity in Russia. Author considers and classifies the decorative motifs which came to St. Petersburg from Vienna at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Author Biography

  • Nina L. Danilova, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Danilova Nina L. St. Petersburg State University, student


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Вагнер определял новый метод как «стиль практической полезности».

Изначально проект разрабатывается архитектором В.В. Шаубом.

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Цит. по: Кириков Б.М. Архитектура петербургского модерна... С. 87.

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Russian Art of the 20th Century

How to Cite

Danilova, N. L. (2012). Decorative motives of Vienna Secession in the architecture of St. Petersburg. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 2, 447–452.