Interpretation of the Evangelic Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the West European Art of the 11th–13th Centuries: Origins of Iconography
West European medieval art of the 11th–13th centuries, iconography, parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, parable of the Rich Fool, byzantine model, iconographic line of Echternach, problem of large narrativeAbstract
This article is devoted to the illustration of the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus (Luke16,19–31) in the West European art of the 11th–13th cc. The main theme of the article is the problem of the origin and development of iconographic models since Ottonian Gospels of the late 10th–11th cc. till the gothic French stained glasses of the 13th c. The earliest examples of illustration of this parable in West European art are the Gospels from Reichenau and Echternach which demonstrate two different traditions and indicate several visual models. It is possible to assume that there are a Byzantine model in combination with the iconographic sсhemes devoted to other subjects (Reichenau) and another model, so-called iconographic line of Echternach. The Echternach model (for example, leaves of the Eadwine Psalter) and the Byzantine model («Hortus Deliciarum» by Herrad von Landsberg) would be wide-spread in the 12th c. The 13th c. was the period of the very detailed narrative iconographic programmes. We shall consider stained glass of Bourges, which demonstrates both the main principles of large narrative and the problem of addition to the main narrative a new subject as the parable of the Rich Fool (Luke12,16–21). Also we will consider the migration of motives to other areas as moralized examples devoted to death of a sinner (commentaries to histories of Absalom and Ishbosheth in the Bible moralisée, history of usurer and poor woman in «Miracles of Our Lady» by Gautier de Coinci).
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