Panorama of Palermo by K. F. Schinkel in Saint-Petersburg: A Remembrance of Emperor Nicholas I’s Trip to Sicily
panorama, Palermo, Emperor Nicholas I, K. F. Schinkel, A. L. Roller, K. E. Biermann, K. Gropius, Russian-German artistic links, wooden edifices, Saint-Petersburg, 19th centuryAbstract
Panorama of Palermo was painted in 1808 by K. F. Schinkel after his field sketches made in Italy in 1803–1805. In 1840, he wished to create a new version of the composition on even greater scale. Because of Schinkel’s fatal illness, the task was entrusted to E. Biermann. In 1844, the new panorama was exhibited in Berlin and, thereafter, sold to Saint-Petersburg. Up until that moment, its history was profoundly explored by European scholars. The present paper examines its Saint-Petersburg destiny, which remained so far obscure, on the basis of textual and visual archival materials, as well as mid-19th century Russian newspapers. The panorama was purchased from C. Gropius for 2500 thalers by his friend A. Roller, who was employed as a scenic artist and the main machine operator of the Imperial Theaters in Russia. The idea was supported by Nicholas I, as this picture was to keep the memories of the recent trip of the Emperor’s family to Palermo (1845–1846). There was a discussion about its location. Out of six places, Manezhnaia Square, located in the very center of the city, was chosen. The panorama was opened on July 6th, 1846. Even though Roller enjoyed tax-free land holding and excise-free concession, lived in the building of the panorama, and introduced flexible prices and opening hours, Panorama of Palermo suffered from the lack of visitors. Finally, Roller got the permission to erect a new edifice for it on Bol’shaia Morskaia Street, with two extensions for dioramas; but the construction lingered, and in the meantime, the panorama was destroyed by fire.
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