Italian Painting in the Collection of Кirill G. Razumovsky


  • Vera S. Naumova Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Author


Private collecting, art collection, Italian painting, Kirill G. Razumovsky, collection, art gallery, Italian artists, collector


Art collection of Kirill Razumovsky was considered to be one of the best in the late 18th c., but in the beginning of the 19th c. the collection had been already scattered. However, due to the historical document discovered some time ago, we got the opportunity to reestablish the collection. The list of the paintings hanging in the palace of Kirill Razumovsky on the bank of the Moika river in St. Petersburg gives us the names of the paintings, their dimensions, and also the names, the dates and the places of birth of their authors. The art gallery of St. Petersburg palace of Razumovsky consisted of over 350 paintings of the Italian, French, Netherlandic, Flemish, German, Russian artists of the 16th–18th cc. Most of them were Italian paintings which was a common feature of that time. In 1756 Razumovsky bought paintings by such Italian artists as P. Liberi, M. Liberi, N. Bambini, G. Lazzarini, F. Simonini, P. Pagani. After the second European trip in 1765–1767 the collection expanded. The person responsible for placing the paintings and restoration in the newly built palace was G.A. Martinelli. The palace was decorated with the paintings of Italian artists of the 16th–18th cc., among which were J. Bassano, A. Caracci, Guercino, C. Dolci, F. Solimena, P.J. Batoni, J.P. Panini, A. Ioli. Many works in the beginning of the 1790’s were moved to Moscow and then — to Malorossia (Ukraine). Detailed study of the published materials and new archives gave the opportunity to reveal the paintings from the collection of K.G. Razumovsky, which had been kept in the Russian and foreign collections and were not associated with his name before or were considered lost.

Author Biography

  • Vera S. Naumova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
    Naumova, Vera S. — Ph.D. student, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 27-4 Lomonosovsky prospect, GSP-1, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991.


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Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries

How to Cite

Naumova, V. S. (2014). Italian Painting in the Collection of Кirill G. Razumovsky. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 431–440.