The British abstract painting of the St. Ives school. The problem of Russian influences


  • Dina N. Aleshina Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, St. Petersburg, Russia Author


Great Britain, St. Ives, abstract painting, concrete, Russian avant-garde


The article is devoted to the problem of the infl uence of Russian avant-garde on the British abstract art of the St. Ives School. The methods of artistic embodiment of the spiritual ideas are considered in the work of British abstractionists: Peter Lanyon, John Wells, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Terry Frost, Roger Hilton and Patrick Heron.

Author Biography

  • Dina N. Aleshina, Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Alyoshina, Dina N. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Ph.D. student;


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Gooding M. Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: A Study in Th ree Movements. St. Ives, 2005. P. 14.

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Stephens Ch. Terry Frost. London, 2000. P. 31.

Warm Frost: Inspirations. Penzance, 2003. P. 7.

Stephens Ch. Rodger Hilton. London, 2006. P. 6.

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Western Art of the 19th-20th Centuries and Theory of Art

How to Cite

Aleshina, D. N. (2012). The British abstract painting of the St. Ives school. The problem of Russian influences. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 2, 310–313.