Phenomenon of Neoclassicism and Count Lev A. Perovsky’s Dactyliotheca of Antique Engraved Gems
Neoclassicism, dactyliotheca, engraved gems, collections, the Hermitage MuseumAbstract
The article deals with Count Lev Perovsky’s small but an extraordinary interesting collection of the antique and modern engraved gems and their plaster casts, held by the State Hermitage Museum. Based on the analysis of the collection, the author attempts to demonstrate that it was not simply a result of his passion to collect, or an occasional interest, but rather through Count’s strict adherence to the ideals of antiquity, and should be referred to as an example of the phenomenon of classicism, which was also inherent in the taste of other collectors and scholars of the whole epoch. The collection is understood by the researcher as an example of careful and systematic selection of items, a highly coherent set of glyptic “monuments”, allowing us to take a deeper insight of the collector’s personality within the system of cultural and artistic values of the 19th century.
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