Sculptures by Henry Moore in the Context of Modern Monument Problems


  • Alexander O. Kotlomanov Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia Author


Henry Moore, modern sculpture, monumental sculpture, vitalism, modernism


The article analyzes the work of renowned British sculptor Henry Moore. The main topic of consideration — Moore’s experiments to create large-size sculptures to be installed in the public space. The sequence of the sculptor’s treatment to such forms is analyzed in aggregate with reference to the works of some theorists of modern sculpture and art critics, whose position in relation to the modern monument has in the 1950’s and 1980’s a broad resonance. The final conclusions of the article related to the formulation of the role of monumental sculpture in the work of Moore in general, and with the statement that the success of his most successful large-format works closely related to the ideal setting — with the space of nature.

Author Biography

  • Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Kotlomanov, Alexander O. Ph.D., Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy, Russia, professor


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Western Art of the 15th-20th Centuries

How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2013). Sculptures by Henry Moore in the Context of Modern Monument Problems. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 3, 505–509.