The Statuary Group “Europe on The Bull” by Pythagoras of Rhegion




ancient Greek sculpture, Europa, Pythagoras of Rhegion, Magna Graecia, Tarentum, Rome, Cicero, Rhegion, Sicily


This paper is concerned with the philological analysis of the sculptural group of “Europa on the Bull”, made by Pythagoras of Rhegion for the powerful polis of Taras. In order to develop the topic in the most effective manner, we will analyze in depth the literary testimonies of the ancient authors such as Cicero, Varro, and Tatian the Syrian; while with the most accredited archaeological data, identified by modern studies, we will try shed light on one of the most celebrated works of Western Greek art. In this way, we identify the possible echoes of this sculptural work in the Graeco-Roman world, and try to answer the long-standing question about its probable date of creation, which is, as we have proposed, situated between 473 and 467 BC.

Author Biography

  • Antonio Arcudi, Archeoclub d'Italia Napoli, Napoli, Italy
    Arcudi, Antonio — Freelance researcher and president of “Archeoclub d’Italia Napoli”, Vico Castrucci 16, Napoli, 80137, Italy;; ORCID: 0009-0001-1306-0171; Scopus ID: 57191361191


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How to Cite

Arcudi, A. (2024). The Statuary Group “Europe on The Bull” by Pythagoras of Rhegion. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 14, 41–49.