Augusta Popova-Kapustina: an Unknown St. Petersburg and a Well-known Siberian Woman-artist


  • Yulia I. Chezhina St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Author


Russian art of the late 19th century – first half of the 20th century, painting, Peredvizhniki (the Wanderers), exhibitions, artistic education, Siberia, Tomsk, St. Petersburg, Augusta Popova-Kapustina


The article is devoted to Augusta Popova-Kapustina, a woman-artist of the late 19th century – first half of the 20th c. Her name is almost forgotten in St. Petersburg, however, she is well-known and honoured in Siberia. Being a sister of the radio inventor Alexander Popov and a wife of a physicist Feodor Kapustin, a professor of the Tomsk University and of the St. Petersburg University, she belonged to the circle of the most progressive-minded scientists and artists of that epoch. She herself was a typical representative of the Russian school of realistic painting and a notable public fi gure of those times. Most of her works were considered to be lost. But the author of the article succeeded in fi nding out several tens of her paintings and drawings of diff erent genres in museum and private collections. Some facts of her biography are also specified. Augusta Popova-Kapustina was taught in the best traditions of the Wanderers and played a great role in the development of professional artistic education in Siberia. Her creative work and public activities are analysed in the context of general cultural tendencies on the turn of the 19th–20th cc.

Author Biography

  • Yulia I. Chezhina, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Chezhina, Yulia I. — Ph.D., assistant professor, St. Petersburg State University. 7–9 Universitetskaya embankment, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034


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Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries

How to Cite

Chezhina, Y. I. (2014). Augusta Popova-Kapustina: an Unknown St. Petersburg and a Well-known Siberian Woman-artist. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 483–491.