Artistic Features of the South Chapel Frescoes in the Church of Our Saviour of St. Euphrosyne’s Convent in Polotsk


  • Daria A. Skobtsova Interregional Agency for Scientific Restoration of Works of Art, Moscow, Russian Federation Author


Old Russian art, mural painting, frescoes, Polotsk


The article is devoted to one of the fresco ensembles in the church of Our Saviour of St. Euphrosyne’s convent in Polotsk. These murals rarely were brought to researchers’ notice. Art historians date the south chapel frescoes from the mid-12th to mid-13th c. However, their program of decoration is of a memorial and funeral character. This fact along with technological and stylistic features of the frescoes lets us conclude, that they were created later than the main ensemble of Our Saviour church (ca. 1161). Artistic system of the chapel murals is closely related to the painting of the beginning of the 13th c. For instance, it has parallels with Athos miniatures of that period.

Author Biography

  • Daria A. Skobtsova, Interregional Agency for Scientific Restoration of Works of Art, Moscow, Russian Federation
    Skobtsova, Daria A. — restorer, Interregional Agency for Scientific Restoration of Works of Art. 24/1 Kadashevskaya embankment, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115035.


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How to Cite

Skobtsova, D. A. (2014). Artistic Features of the South Chapel Frescoes in the Church of Our Saviour of St. Euphrosyne’s Convent in Polotsk. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 123–130.