The Builders of Milutin and Dušan as Agents of Imperial Ideology in Macedonia
Serbian architecture, Late Byzantine architecture, King Milutin, Stefan Dušan, North MacedoniaAbstract
Serbian rulers in their projects were guided by the examples of the cultural and political centers of Byzantium (Constantinople, Arta, Thessaloniki, Mystra). This is why the five-domed type churches considered by customers as a concept of a metropolitan-style church are often found during this period. New political conditions and a peace treaty with Byzantium (1299) opened up opportunities for Serbian customers to use Byzantine builders in large–scale church construction and reconstruction old Greek churches. The nature of the implementation of these projects was largely determined by the configuration of the original buildings and the regional traditions of the invited architects. During this period, Byzantine forms were often combined with the architectural specifics of Raška region, which led to the creation of original solutions. Serbian architecture cannot be reduced to just coping certain Byzantine architectural paradigms of Thessaloniki or Constantinople.
This research was funded by the Russian Scientific Fund, project 20-18-00294 “Artistic Traditions and Ecclesiastic-Political Ideology in the Medieval Architecture and Art of the Balkans. Macedonian Question”.
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