The Study of Armenian and Georgian Medieval Architecture and its Significance for the “Armenian” Style’s Formation in the Second Half of the 19th Century
historiography of architecture, Armenia and Georgia, Armenian style, historicism, Byzantine style, churches of the South of RussiaAbstract
The study of the development of cognition of Armenian and Georgian medieval architecture in the 19th century is relevant not only from the point of view of the historiography itself. It has importance for understanding of the intellectual elite and the creative ideas of that time. On the example of a number of Armenian and Russian Orthodox churches of the south of the European part of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century, the research examines the question of the relationship between the noted scientific direction and simultaneous architectural creativity, glorifying the forms of medieval churches of Armenia and Georgia.
The genesis of a new architectural style in Russia, which evolved out of the Byzantine style and conditionally called “Armenian”, as well as the interest in the churches of Armenia and Georgia, have been determined by the idea of their belonging to the Byzantine architecture, by the special character of Orientalism in Russia, and the geopolitical realities of the era. Two directions of the “Armenian” style were discovered. In the first one, only general forms were likened to the ancient buildings of Transcaucasia, and they have been combined with mainly Romanesque decor. The second is focused on the reproduction of architectural forms and ornaments from the Monuments of Armenia and Georgia albums by Grigory G. Gagarin and David I. Grimm.
This study is based on the research, supported by the Program of Fundamental Research of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences and of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utili- ties of the Russian Federation — 2021, research project
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