The Image of a Regular Square in the Architecture of Moscow Classicism: Between the Project and Reality


  • Julia G. Klimenko Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russian Federation Author



architectural treatises, attribution, Enlightenment, J.-G. Legrand, N. Legrand, principles of French Neoclassicism, urban beautification, square, crossing


The first architectural plan of Moscow will soon celebrate its 250th anniversary. The plan designedin order to improve this historical city as soon as possible was approved by Ekaterina II in 1775. The techniques used in this project reflected authors’ insight into best achievements of Western European architects and creators in the field of town planning. However, not all advanced ideas projected in this document were implemented completely. This paper investigates history of implementation of the master plan and attempts to create first geometrically regular squares in the medieval town, which would match the Classic principles of Western European town planning. The paper fills the considerable gap existing in knowledge of the townplanning policy of Ekaterina the Great and seeks to introduce a stratum of drawings newly found in stocks of the Moscow Deanery Board into the scientific discourse. Analysis of these documents provides for more accurate assessment of the evolution of architectural language, the mechanism of record keeping, and the level of proficiency of contractors in Classic Moscow. Along with specific questions concerning attribution of the architectural plan, this paper involves a wide quarter of problems related to Russian-French town planning contracts. An emphasis is placed on analysis of architectural terms, and comparison of interpretations of the term “square” by different Renaissance architecture schools. The significance of correct interpretation of unimplemented architectural ideas underpinning historical plans of a classic “Capital City” helps us to explain logistics of subsequent urban reforms. These and other abovementioned provisions explain the significance and topicality of this problem both for understanding the evolution of town planning principles of Classicism and in the context of current issues in reconstruction of Moscow urban space.

Author Biography

  • Julia G. Klimenko, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russian Federation
    Klimenko, Julia Gavriilovna — Ph. D. in architecture, professor. Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) (MARCHI), Ul. Rozhdestvenka, 11/4–1–4, 107031 Moscow, Russian Federation.


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Russian Art of the 18th–19th Centuries

How to Cite

Klimenko, J. G. (2020). The Image of a Regular Square in the Architecture of Moscow Classicism: Between the Project and Reality. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 10, 293–305.