The Gold “Helmet” from the Ak-Burun Tumulus (1875)


  • Iurii A. Vinogradov Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Author



Cimmerian Bosporus, Bosporan tumuli, Greek-Scythian gold, Macedonian influences


The gold openwork “helmet”, which was found in the tumulus at the Cape of Ak-Burun in 1875, is one of the well-known works of the Bosporan toreutics. The barrow can be dated back to the late 4th — early 3rd century BC. The “helmet” is usually interpreted as the object of Graeco-Scythian art. Its decorative systemconsists of double volutes and floral designs. Details of the design demonstrate the Macedonian influence, and, in all probability, the “helmet” was made by a Macedonian craftsman who worked at Cimmerian Bosporus.This outstanding object has never been the subject of special study to appreciate its significance in archaeological context. The double volutes on the “helmet” can be understood like big horns (Horns of Amon) —one of Alexander the Great’s power symbols. But it was also the image of farn that was typical for Iranian peoples. The big flower of calla, growing between horns, is the most important element of cult symbolism in the decorative composition. From theoretical point of view this “helmet” is the key item for our interpretation of the Ak-Burun tumulus.It is highly possible that the piece once belonged to a barbarian chief, who was at the same time a priest. Other finds from the same context (a golden wreath, spherical pendant-amulets, a golden finger-ring with an ironinsert, etc.) support such point of view.

Author Biography

  • Iurii A. Vinogradov, Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Vinogradov, Iurii Alekseevich — full doctor, leading researcher. Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaia nab., 18, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Vinogradov, I. A. (2017). The Gold “Helmet” from the Ak-Burun Tumulus (1875). Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 7, 96–102.