The theme of Crucifixion in the art of Francisco Zurbaran. Peculiarities of style and iconography
Francisco Zurbaran, Crucifi xion, Spanish painting, religious art, sculpturesque forms, mysticismAbstract
The image of Crucifixion is very important in the art of Francisco Zurbaran (1598–1664). The author poses the question, whether the Spanish master painted crucified Christ himself or his sculptured image? Th is question was suggested by a group of Zurbaran paintings, where the figure of Christ casts a shadow on the dark background. Th e author concludes that Zurbaran painted Christ as a wooden sculpture consciously; customers also looked for sculpture-like effect. Probably, this peculiarity was connected with mysticism.
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Soria M.S. Th e paintings of Zurbaran… P. 142.
Gallego J., Gudiol J. Zurbaran... P. 43.
Малицкая К.М. Сурбаран... С. 89.
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Бенуа А.Н. Путеводитель… С. 129.
Gallego J., Gudiol J. Zurbaran… P. 51, 58.