The Phenomenon of Rejection of Painting in the 20th Century Art
Art of the 20th century, painting, negation of painting, rejection of painting, Yve-Alain Bois, history of the 20th century art, mythology, mythological consciousness, turn to mythAbstract
This article is dedicated to the radical reconsiderations of painting in the 20th c. art, which appeared as negation of painting or even as its rejection. The article highlights such critical points in art history of the 20th c. as the “last paintings” of A. Rodchenko and A. Reinhardt, ready-mades of M. Duchamps, theory and practice of such artists as E. Lissitzky, L. Fontana, BMPT group and others. The article dwells on reсurrences of these processes in art history of the 20th c. that gives us the reason to see mythological character in this phenomenon of rejection of painting. There is also an attempt to show the diff erence between the rejection of painting and its negation or deconstruction.
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