Dutch Pictorial Calligraphy of the Beginning of 17th century in the Context of Visual and Written Culture


  • Lubava D. Chistova European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia Author


Dutch calligraphy, pictorial calligraphy, Mannerism, visual culture, handwriting, penn-const, types of signs, semiotic approach


The main topic of the article is Dutch mannerist calligraphy in the beginning of 17th c. It deals with some specific features of the penn-const (special type of images constructed from the elements of letters) and stylized calligraphy. The research focuses on the connection and interrelation of different types of signs, namely conventional signs, i.e. letters, and mimetic one, i.e. images, as well as on related visual effects. The author also examines the causes of the emergence of this genre and the reasons for its marginality. The subject seems to be of great importance in semiotic perspective and it has never been examined relying on semiotic methods. Although they might enable us to deal with a text and images alike, which makes them valuable for this particular type of art.

Author Biography

  • Lubava D. Chistova, European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Chistova, Lyubava D. European University at St. Petersburg, Russia, Ph.D. student


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Western Art of the 15th-20th Centuries

How to Cite

Chistova, L. D. (2013). Dutch Pictorial Calligraphy of the Beginning of 17th century in the Context of Visual and Written Culture. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 3, 418–425. https://publ.actual-art.org/aptha/article/view/10119