Alabaster artifacts found in the tomb of Tutankhamun


  • Oleg S. Zvonkov Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts, Moscow, Russia Author


tomb of Tutankhamun, Egyptian alabaster, the art of Amarna, New Kingdom


The author raises the question of the complex study of alabaster inventory from the tomb of Tutankhamun in the broader context of the art of the late XVIII dynasty, and also considers the highly individual works of alabaster found in the world famous shrine.

Author Biography

  • Oleg S. Zvonkov, Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts, Moscow, Russia
    Zvonkov, Oleg S. Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts, Ph.D. student


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К примеру, известняковая лампа UC16794 эпохи XII династии из Музея Питри (Petrie Museum) в Лондоне.






Ancient and Medieval Muslim Art

How to Cite

Zvonkov, O. S. (2012). Alabaster artifacts found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 2, 18–23.