The Menologion Syn. Gr. 9 and manuscripts of its circle
manuscript, scriptorium, Menologion, codicology, paleography, style, Byzantine artAbstract
The paper analyzes the artistic features of the Menologion of 1063 (Mosq. Syn. gr. 9, Sinait. cod. 500) and defines the related manuscripts on the ground of peculiarities of the early Comnenian style (ca. 1050-1070). The results of stylistic analysis combined with paleographical and codicological data permit to consider some practical aspects of the activity of the Constantinopolitan scriptoria during the third quarter of the 11th century and the collaboration among scribes and miniaturists.
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16 Hutter I. Th eodoros βιβλιογράφος... P. 180.
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