Synesthesia in Studies of Art. Specifying the Term


  • Anna V. Alekseeva Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, St. Petersburg, Russia Author


synesthesia in art, colour music, cross-modal binding in art, intermodal analogies


The article touches on the problem of the term “synesthesia” in the culturological meaning in the modern studies of art. Misunderstanding between psychological and culturological disciplines and the invalidity of the term in the culturological meaning by European and American psychologists make this article significant. The goal of this article is to substantiate the use of alternative terms within the meaning of “synesthetic” type of art works.

Author Biography

  • Anna V. Alekseeva, Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, St. Petersburg, Russia
    Alekseeva, Anna V. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Russia, Ph.D. student


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Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries

How to Cite

Alekseeva, A. V. (2013). Synesthesia in Studies of Art. Specifying the Term. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 3, 363–367.