Once Again about the Statue of the Philosopher from the Collection of the State Hermitage Museum
antiquity, sculpture, attribution, stylistic analysis, pasticcio, The Hermitage Museum, WaldhauerAbstract
The article presents an attempt to reattribute the marble statue held by The State Hermitage Museum. The statue is now known as «The seated philosopher» (inv. А 493) and was ambiguously dated in precedent literature. Judging upon the study of its preservation the author acknowledged the statue to be a pasticcio, consisting of several parts (head, torso, shoes, chair), executed in different styles, and made of various types of marble. The stylistic analysis of the statue gives a reason to suppose that the clothes and the upper part of the torso originate from Asia Minor, revealing though some Praxitelean influence, while the whole sculpture in its present condition seems to be accomplished in the 19th c.
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