Challenges in Researching Medieval Ecclesiastic Art in Finland — The Passion of Christ in the Visual and Material Culture of Medieval Finland
Medieval art, Finland, Passion of Christ, visual culture, material culture, devotionAbstract
Medieval devotion was constructed, defined and made visible with the help of images and objects. Images and objects were thus deeply interconnected to devotional and liturgical practices. One of the expressions of medieval devotion was directed towards the Passion of Christ. The cult became highly popular in medieval Finland and influenced the visual and material culture of the Diocese. The Passion was included in the pictorial programmes of wall paintings and Christ’s suffering and dead body was materialized in statues, as well as in liturgical objects and textiles. The article is concerned with the devotion directed to the Passion of Christ in medieval Finland, with the ways it was manifested visually and materially in the ecclesiastic context, and with some of the challenges related to the research of the subject.
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