Assumption Cathedral of the Assumption Monastery in Staritsa: On the Problem of Dating



Old Russian architecture, Andrei Staritskii, monastery, order details, problem of dating


The article deals with the building history of the Assumption monastery in Staritsa. This church is famous for its structure and material, unusual for the period of 1500–1530. Special attention is given to the dates of construction, which are not known from the written sources. Author analyses historical background connected with the construction activities of prince Andrei Staritski, the donator of the cathedral, and compares this monument to several other buildings of this time (Rostov cathedral, Khutynskii and Kalyazin monasteries). The most probable dating for the construction of Staritsa Assumption cathedral are the 1520’s, when the novelties brought by Italian architects to the Russian construction practice were actively assimilated. This period is known for notable building activities of prince Andrey in the capital of his domain — Staritsa.

Author Biography

  • Petr G. Ershov, Russian Institute of Art History, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Ershov, Petr G. — Ph.D. student, Russian Institute of Art History. 5 Isaakievskaia square, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 190000.


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How to Cite

Ershov, P. G. (2014). Assumption Cathedral of the Assumption Monastery in Staritsa: On the Problem of Dating. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 4, 155–161.