Death of a Macedonian in Pisidia: The “Tomb of Alketas” in Termessos
Ancient Asia Minor, Pisidia, Termessos, funerary architecture, 4th c. BC, late Classic period, Hellenistic age, rock-cut tombsAbstract
The present article focuses on the funerary monument so-called “Tomb of Alketas” at Termessos (ancient Pisidia) of the 4th century BC. It consists of a several rock-cut images and other elements inside an artificially enlarged “grotto”. The first part of the article concerns the iconographical aspect of the monument. All elements are known from the Greek-Macedonian art (e. g., the kline-sarcophagus, rock-cut niches and vessels, the relief representations of a rider and various weaponry etc.), but their composition is unique. Etruscan, Thracian and Karian materials are also taken into account. In the second part of the article we examine whether the grave could be that of Alketas, one of Alexander’s diodochi. This theory is based on the Diodorus Siculus’ writings, but it isn’t proven archaeologically. Yet we cannot eliminate the possibility due to the certain historical circumstances. Altogether, this monument can be considered as an early example of the tombs of the Hellenized elite.
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