Artistic Features of The Book of the Triumph of Fortitude and Prudence (a Manuscript from The National Library of Russia)




French Renaissance, French art, France in the 16th century, Francis I, Jean Thenaud, Renaissance book


The article examines a set of miniatures from a French manuscript dating to the first quarter of the 16th century (Fr.F.v.XV.1) held in the National Library of Russia (NLR), a vast deposit of medieval European documents. This codex is a humanist treatise Le livre du triomphe de la force et de la prudence (The Book of the Triumph of Fortitude and Prudence) written by Jean Thenaud, a French writer, traveler, and the confessor of Francis of Angoulême (Valois), the future King Francis I (1515–1547).

Le Triomphe des vertuz (The Triumph of the Virtues) is a cycle of moral treatises by Jean Thenaud. The manuscript copies of these works are gathered in several codices, one of which is in the Manuscripts Department of the National Library of Russia (Fr.F.v.XV.1) while the others are in France (Fr. 144, Fr. 443 in the National Library of France and Ms. 3358 in the Arsenal library).

The codex from the National Library of Russia is a presentation copy for Louise of Savoy, the mother of the King of France Francis I. Her children were to be taught morals through these treatises: The Triumph of Prudence for Marguerite Valois, and The Triumph of Fortitude for Francis Valois. Prior to its acquisition and removal from the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Abbey by the Russian diplomat and bibliophile P.P. Dubrovsky, the manuscript belonged to Bibliothèque du Roi (the Library of the Kings of France). The National Library of France holds a manuscript (Fr. 144) that continues the St. Petersburg codex.

In each Triumph, its author, Jean Thenaud, presents an imaginary pilgrimage journey to the Holy Land, filled with allegories and metaphors. The codex Fr.F.v.XV.1 from the National Library of Russia includes 19 miniatures depicting his journey, painted by two anonymous artists. The stylistic contrast of the codex kept in St. Petersburg makes it a peculiarly interesting piece of art. The miniatures of the first master are influenced by the Rouen school of painting, whereas those of the second one are inspired by Italian artists invited to France and by Antwerp Mannerism.

Author Biography

  • Kseniia V. Soshnikova, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Soshnikova, Kseniia V. — Ph. D., researcher. National Library of Russia, Department of Manuscripts, Sadovaya ul., 18, 191069 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; SPIN-code: 5999-0244; ORCID: 0000-0001-6243-0012


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How to Cite

Soshnikova, K. V. (2023). Artistic Features of The Book of the Triumph of Fortitude and Prudence (a Manuscript from The National Library of Russia). Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 13, 560–569.