Archaeological Posters from the Early 1920s in the Collection of the IHMC RAS




Academy for the History of Material Culture, archival documents, art poster, graphics, history of science, IHMC RAS


The article analyzes the archival documents of the Academy for the History of Material Culture, which was founded in 1919 in Petrograd on the basis of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. The main profile of the institution was archaeology, but the studies also focused on art as part of material culture. A number of outstanding art historians, architects, and artists worked at the Academy.

Educational activity has become one of the important directions of the Academy’s work. In the Marble Palace, leading Russian scientists regularly lectured on various historical subjects for everyone. Special posters were produced for these lectures that announced the time, place, author, and subject. The archives of the IHMC RAS have preserved more than seventy such posters created in different techniques. Every placard now can be recognized as a piece of art. Most of the authors were identified. Among them we know the artist-restorer M. V. Farmakovsky, architect K. K. Romanov, art historian N. P. Sychev, artists V. V. Voinov, G. S. Vereisky, D. D. Bushen, and others. The introduction of this previously unknown complex will provide art historians with the opportunity to clarify the artistic value and determine the place of those works of art in the history of the early 20th century poster art and in the creative legacy of the artists listed.

The research was carried out within the state assignment of the program of Fundamental Scientific Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Author Biography

  • Maria V. Medvedeva, Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Medvedeva, Maria V. — Ph. D., head of archive. Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaia nab., 18, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.ORCID: 0000-0003-4852-7146


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How to Cite

Medvedeva, M. V. (2022). Archaeological Posters from the Early 1920s in the Collection of the IHMC RAS. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 12, 426–437.