Art and Archaeological Realities of Carved Decor from Marl in the Architecture of Medieval Crimea
medieval architecture of Crimea, Byzantine art, architectural decor, stone plastic, marl cutAbstract
Among the local workpieces, which imitates the late antique and early Byzantine period models, the carved decor made from light gray lime marl stands out. The stone was mined on the territory of the Inner ridge of the Crimean Mountains. Geographical scope of the construction products, which spread from this local, covers the southwestern and southern coastal parts of the peninsula. The most indicative finds are presented at the monuments of Bakla, Mangup, Partenit, and Laspi. Architectural details from marl, discovered during the excavations, belong to buildings which were erected or completely rebuilt in the 9th–10th centuries. The stone plasticity of the Partenit Basilica is a reliable chronological benchmark. Its decoration is associated with the original church. This is confirmed by the presence of small pieces of marl in the levels of building horizons, convincingly dated to the last third of the 10th century. Early Byzantine marble specimens, including rare items, were available for copying to artisans. An example is the capital with eagles from Laspi. The results of the study let us consider that the architectural details made of marl that adorned the monumental buildings of medieval Crimea, for the most part can be dated to the 10th century. The main center of their production, most likely, was located in the Mangup, while the separate workshop was supposedly located on Bakla.
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