Key Aspects of the Studies of Bologna Quattrocento Palaces at the Turn of the 20–21st Centuries: Retrospection and Prospects




Italian Renaissance architecture, Emilia Romagna, Bologna, Bentivoglio, palazzo


The article focuses on the studies of Bologna Quattrocento palace architecture which are getting more relevant along with a current growing interest to Italian Renaissance regional styles. At the turn of the 20th–21st centuries, scientific approaches to the mentioned architecture have been characterized by new tendencies.

Three of them have been the subject of our special analysis aimed to reveal their actual peculiarities. The tendencies mentioned can be defined as “retrospective”, “monographic”, and “prospective” accordingly. The first one implies new attention to the “positivism era” local research, the second one deals with a constantly widening range of new monographic publications on different buildings, and the third one touches upon a question of Bologna palaces in a general European context.

Firstly, the studies of the “positivism epoch” have been represented today, seen anew, in contemporary works. This fact induces one to choose a bilateral approach. On one hand, to turn to the above said period as it is (with research practice, its results and publications on the eve of the 20th century, data on demolished buildings, historical causes of Renaissance Bologna palaces’ intense research in the years of Risorgimento, as well as “Amilia ars” group activity (1898), work of A. Rubbiani and F. Malaguzzi Valeri especially). On the other hand, the contemporary approach to the old research is two-fold as well: generalizing the information and knowledge accumulated, giving “assessment” of achievements (A. M. Shanken, V. Rubbi), and stimulating new facsimile editions.

Secondly, a widening range of publications on different palaces (S. Bettini, for one) is mostly in tune with a so-called social history of art, demonstrating at the same time new possibilities of reconstructing initial image of Bologna Quattrocento architecture (M. T. Sambin De Norcen, R. Schofield).

Thirdly, a signal example of a new interest to Bologna 15th century palaces and its history in European context is provided by the example of Bologna portico. Special work on porticoes was partly inspired by a nomination of Bologna porticoes to the UNESCO World Heritage List (F. Bocchi, R. Smurra).

Author Biography

  • Oxana S. Smagol, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
    Smagol, Oxana Sergeevna — Ph. D. student. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskye Gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation. ORCID: 0000-0001-5297-717x


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How to Cite

Smagol, O. S. (2021). Key Aspects of the Studies of Bologna Quattrocento Palaces at the Turn of the 20–21st Centuries: Retrospection and Prospects. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 11, 548–558.