Portraits of Ktetors and the Ruling Sovereign in Fresco Ensembles of the Time of Dušan the Strong
ktitor, Stefan Dušan, aristocracy, fresco painting, imperial themesAbstract
The first half of the 14th century in the history of the Serbian state was marked by the reign of three representatives of the Nemanich dynasty under which the Byzantine political and artistic model was adopted to the Serbian socio-cultural realities. This process, which began under the King Milutin (1282–1321), was accompanied by a transition from the national ideological platform to the imperial one and reached its apogee under the reign of Stephen Dušan the Strong (1331–1355), who annexed a significant part of the Byzantine lands. The idea of the creating a single Greco-Serbian state to replace the Byzantine Empire, in which both Serbian and all the annexed Slavic lands were to become an integral part of the Roman Empire headed by the Serbian ruler, required a new approaches and solutions. In particular, the ways of combining the Byzantine imperial iconography with the Serbian national specifics in the context of the new Serbian-Byzantine relations were found in a new understanding of the aristocracy and sovereign compositions in a number of fresco paintings of the Dušan’s reign. The researchers, quite rightly noting the origins of the ideas of these compositions within the Byzantine art, however, ignored their local specifics, inherited from the earlier Serbian art. The article examines some of the features of the tradition, formed under Dušan, of depicting the ruling sovereign along with the noble-ktitor in a common church space.
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