Continuity in 20th-Century Architecture: Post-Painting Abstraction and Form Creation in the Work of Ricardo Legorreta




Ricardo Legorreta, architecture, post-painterly abstraction, plastic arts of the 20th –21st centuries, forming, colour experiments, abstract composition, artistic language


In the context of the cultural globalisation the search for the dialogue between the principles of contemporary architectural forms, artistic and plastic experiments and the painting and sculpture of the 20th –21st centuries is most relevant. This link is considered as the unified artistic process. Since the early 20th century, plastic arts seek to make the connection. So, this is the reason to create new methodology of plastic thinking and forms creation in artists’ and architects’ works. The article is dedicated to perception of minimalistic and original architecture of Ricardo Legorreta — the most significant Mexican architect of the 20th century. The appearance of his buildings is considered as ideas of post-painterly abstraction localized in space. The publication based on illustrations shows how color-plastic principles of post-painterly abstraction works can find their expression in Ricardo Legorreta’s architectural career. This work fills the gap in the dialogue between domestic and foreign researches.

Author Biography

  • Natalya G. Panova, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy - MARCHI), Moscow, Russian Federation
    Panova, Natalya Gennad’evna — Ph. D., professor. Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy — MARCHI), Rozhdestvenka ul., 11/4, 1–4, 107031 Moscow, Russian Federation.


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World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art

How to Cite

Panova, N. G. (2020). Continuity in 20th-Century Architecture: Post-Painting Abstraction and Form Creation in the Work of Ricardo Legorreta. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 10, 545–557.