Panorama as a Form of Historical Painting: Towards the History of the Russian Exposition of R. K. Porter’s Panorama “The Defeat of the French by Suvorov”
R. K. Porter, G. Vendramini, Alexander I, circular panorama, military are, Russian-European cultural transferAbstract
The article sheds light on the previously unknown circumstances of the exposition of R. K. Porter’s circular panorama “The Defeat of the French at Devil’s Bridge, Mount St. Gottard by Suvorov, on September 14,1799” (1804) in St. Petersburg and Moscow in the mid‑1800s and draws attention to the role that this exposition played in the artist’s professional biography. Less than six months after the panorama’s exhibition had begun in St. Petersburg, the Russian tsar Alexander I ordered three large-scale paintings for the St. Petersburg Admiralty main building from Porter. The order was followed by the recommendation of Porter for the post of a Russian court artist, which he accepted in 1805. Unlike the previous research claiming that the British artist’s arrival to Russia was the result of Alexander I’s acquaintance with G. Vendramini’s engraved copy of Porter’s panorama, this article insists that the tsar and his entourage could see the panorama itself either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg.
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