Deviation from the Rules or the Limited Capacities of the Classical System
Classicism, artistic method, historical painting, evolution of the artistic formAbstract
The article addresses the issue of the boundaries of the artistic system of classicism in Russianart of the 19th century. It claims that the means of overcoming or dismantling traditional academic principles affected the very basics of the classical system of creating forms, but in their most extreme versions they were based on philosophical concepts.
The article analyzes which elements of the art form of the classical system were changed in the first place and which of them remained viable and what plastic means were used to overcome the rhetoric of the artistic image. The formalization of the classical method and its subsequent transition to academic art obliged artists to look for means of reviving rigid art forms. This is can be best exemplified by the work of A. A. Ivanov .His artistic journey clearly demonstrated that the method and forms of bringing artistic vision to life are determined by the super task, created as part of the individual creative quest, and not by any stylistic system.
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