The Art of Achaemenid Cyprus. Peculiarities of the Persianizing Monuments and Their Importance for the Classical Cypriot Culture
Cyprus, the Achaemenid Empire, architecture, applied art, Achaemenid official style, Greco-Persian art, satrapies, the Persianizing art in Cyprus, IranisationAbstract
This article discusses the impact of the Achaemenid official style on the local architecture and applied arts of Cyprus during the archaic and classical periods (6th–4th centuries B.C.). Among the Persian possessions in the Aegean, Cyprus occupies a special place because of its significance as one of the main sources of the Persian military fleet. Having an important strategic position for the Achaemenids, Cyprus retained relative autonomy within the Empire. Moreover, Cyprus remained almost untouched by the processes of “Iranisation” — the integration of local elites into the official Achaemenid culture. In this regard, the rare finds of the monuments of Persianizing art in Cyprus are of particular importance for studying the interaction of the local artistic tradition with Achaemenid official art. А few works of architecture and prestigious art (toreutics and jewelry) of the Persian circle from Cyprus make it possible to touch upon this issue. In addition, the Cypriot monuments reflect another important artistic phenomenon — namely, the “Greco-Persian” style that came to the island from Anatolian satrapies. Generally, the Persianizing art from Cyprus provides an opportunity to explore the boundaries of Persian influences on local monuments, as well as the processes of synthesis of these two cultures.
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