Figurative Traditions of Northern Rus and Kama Region in Zoomorphic Pendants of the 11th–13th Centuries
zoomorphic adornments, pendants, imports, Ancient Russia, Ladoga region, Beloe lake region, Kama regionAbstract
The article deals with the research of the plate zoomorphic pendants of the 11th–13th centuries which were found on the territory of north-west and north-east ancient Rus. In the historiography, these adornments were regarded as the degraded forms of the 7th–11th centuries jewelry items. The analysis of stylistics shows that the ancient Russian pendants represent an original phenomenon. Zoomorphic pendants in the form of an animal on a base were formed in the northern lands of ancient Rus’ as the result of the symbiosis of imports from the Kama region and local items. The first ones depict horsemen; the second ones that are typical for the Ladoga area depict deer or elks. The double-headed pendants have not turned out to be the devolutionary form of the Kama adornments in the shape of two horse heads. Their composition could have been influenced by imported items, but the images of animals were taken from the local tradition.
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