Artifact in Historical Space of the New Hermitage. The Pyramid with Cameos and Showcases for Gems in the Shape of a Pyramid
Hermitage museum, museum space, showcases, pyramid form, cameos, Catherine II, Heinrich Gambs, Kaiser-Suiten, E. HauAbstract
The article is devoted to the history of the Hermitage museum interiors, its collections, showcases and historical ties between them. From the very beginning of the Hermitage history its museum space reflected the public policy. In its collection the Hermitage holds unique showcases shaped as pyramids. No such example is to be found elsewhere in museum collections. We have no documents about the reason for their appearance, but some facts give us possibility to suggest their connection with the memory of Catherine II.The article is devoted to the history of the Hermitage museum interiors, its collections, showcases and historical ties between them. From the very beginning of the Hermitage history its museum space reflected the public policy. In its collection the Hermitage holds unique showcases shaped as pyramids. No such example is to be found elsewhere in museum collections. We have no documents about the reason for their appearance, but some facts give us possibility to suggest their connection with the memory of Catherine II.
In 1811 the unique item was made for the Hermitage — a wooden pyramid made by Heinrich Daniel Gambs. There were cornelian cameos with portraits of Ancient Roman emperors and Holy Roman emperors, the so-called “Kaiser-Suiten”, placed on its facet. The pyramid top was decorated by a Minerva figure, as Catherine II loved to be represented in art works. Wolf figures were the symbol of Rome. The whole complex was an allegorical representation of Catherine’s wise rule based on the Ancient Rome and West-European tradition.
In 1816 the pyramid was placed in the hall together with the loveliest Catherine’s cameos collection. In 1854 a new Cameos hall in the New Hermitage building was arranged. The Gambs pyramid surrounded with showcases in pyramid shape for which the old pyramid became the prototype was placed in its center. This hall with pyramid and showcases became the peculiar symbol of memory about Catherine the Great. In 1854 it was pictured by Ed. Hau.
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