Vadim Voinov, Object 222: The Modern History of Russia
Vadim Voinov, assemblage, nonconformism, history of Russia, exhibition, contemporary art, soviet heritage, installation, Pushkinskaya-10 art centreAbstract
Vadim Serafimovich Voinov (1940-2015) was a thoughtful historian, a fearless traveler, and an artist with a keen sense of the past as well as of the present. He undoubtedly belongs to the most significant and at the same time mysterious personalities of the Leningrad nonconformism. His works, created as “function- collages” — a style founded by the author himself — mark the perceptible space between the public and the private, between memory and oblivion, between the thingness of the objects and their rhetorics. In the core of Vadim Voinov’s artistic discourse, objects emerge from the outskirts of history, objects of transfigured “equipmentality”, objects”after the function”. Consecrated in the waters of the Styx, they become the text of a new chronicle by Voinov, his “New Mythology”. This paper is dedicated to the legacy of Vadim Voinov in the context of exhibition and educational strategies of the Museum of Nonconformist Art, where his first postmortem retrospective exhibition took place in 2016.
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