Carl Kebach’s Creative Activity in the Context of the Development of Landscape Architecture in the Crimea of the 20th — Early 21st Centuries


  • Ekaterina M. Kolyada Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Author



Crimea, landscape, park, architecture, history modernity


The article is devoted to the creative work of Carl Kebach, a German landscape artist, who played an important role in the development of landscape art in the Crimean Peninsula. He was invited by Count M. S. Vorontsov for the arrangement of his estate in Alupka. During the years of his work in the Crimea, Kebach not only turned the count’s estate into one of the finest works of European landscape art, but laid the foundations for the formation of landscape environment on the Southern coast of the Crimea in the 20th century — early 21st century.

Author Biography

  • Ekaterina M. Kolyada, Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Kolyada, Ekaterina Mikhailovna — full doctor, professor. Saint Petersburg Mining University, 21st Liniia, 2, 199106 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.


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Russian Art of the 20th–21st Century

How to Cite

Kolyada, E. M. (2018). Carl Kebach’s Creative Activity in the Context of the Development of Landscape Architecture in the Crimea of the 20th — Early 21st Centuries. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 8, 372–382.