Coronation Decorations as a Political Text: Catherine I and Catherine the Great
allegory, triumphal arch, coronation, residence, fireworks, masquerade, the Empress, the ManifestAbstract
The article offers a comparative review of two Russian coronations: of 1724 and of 1762. The purpose is to identify the nature of the visualization of the key ideas of each of the festivals implemented by various means of temporary architecture. The idea of the Catherine’s I coronation was the legitimization of the rights of the second wife of Emperor Peter I to ascend the Russian throne. It showed a two-act scenario (the ceremony of the coronation, the coronation celebrations) and the image of Minerva-warrior as the alter ego of the Empress. The idea of the coronation of Catherine II was the legitimation of the spouse of the deceased Emperor Peter III and the mother of the heir, Pavel Petrovich, on the Russian throne. Coronation used three-act script with a solemn entry under the triumphal arches and image of goddess Minerva primarily as the goddess of wisdom, which significantly enhances public aspects of the celebration.
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