Towards the Attribution of Two Landscapes from the Pinacoteca Nazionale (Siena): Sassetta as a Landscape Painter
Renaissance art, Italian painting, Early Renaissance, Sienese school, Sassetta, landscapeAbstract
After continuous debates about the author of two landscapes, now stored in the Pinacoteca Nationaleof Siena, it was determined that Stefano di Giovanni Sassetta painted them in 1423–1424 as parts of the Eucharist altarpiece made for the Sienese woolmakers guild (Arte della Lana). The altarpiece was divided in the18th century, and now its fragments represent independent landscapes with architectural elements allowing us to consider the meaning of the nature’s image in Sassetta’s artworks and to discuss their distinctive features, as well as to draw conclusions about the significance of this artist in the history of Sienese painting, the landscape art and the visual culture of the Renaissance in general.
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