Miniatures of the Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible with the Images of Building Process as a Source for the Analysis of the Construction Works in Medieval Russia


  • Marya A. Siomina The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Author



medieval Russian art, book miniature, construction works, Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan theTerrible


The miniatures of the Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible (1568–1576) which accompany thenotes on building events are the subject of the article. The miniatures are of special interest as the interpretation of historic events by the 16th century artists who were acquainted with the building practice of that period.The analysis of the miniatures helps us to identify the boundaries of conventional compositional schemes and the nature of their interaction, to determine the boundaries of conventional compositional schemes inthe framework of iconography, and to use the miniatures of the Illustrated Chronicle as a historical source.The identified iconographic types have been correlated, despite the number of amendments, with some stages of construction process mentioned in written sources. The images in the miniatures demonstrate excavation, measuring, construction and other works, as well as religious services associated with the foundation and the completion of the building construction. The variety of religious, public, and military type buildings represented in the miniatures is remarkable. Most of them are reflected in the construction practice of the 16th century. The tools and the accessories depicted in the miniatures also correlate with the archaeological material. 

Author Biography

  • Marya A. Siomina, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Siomina, Marya Alexandrovna — M. A. The State Hermitage Museum, Dvortsovaia nab., 34,191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Siomina, M. A. (2017). Miniatures of the Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible with the Images of Building Process as a Source for the Analysis of the Construction Works in Medieval Russia. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, 7, 427–434.